Sunday, April 19, 2009


Hi everyone. I'm BAACCKK!!! That's right. My internet is working again. For those of you who don't know, I have been experiencing internet issues for the past week. Telstra finally fixed it today, and I woke up to the phone ringing. It took me a moment to put two and two together to make four.
Because our internet and phone are both through Telstra, and on the same line, we were without a phone line too. Telstra could've been in shit for this, as my brother is diabetic, and there are times when it is inevitable that he has to be home alone. He knows how to dial 000, but how is he to do that without a phone connection? That's my bitching done, onto Twilight and fanfiction.

I have threads over on Twilighted for Self Medicating and Leave Out All The Rest. To add to that, Self Medicating got accepted onto Twilighted. I can't even begin to explain just how ecstatic that made me.

I WILL be doing fic pick of the week. I pinkie promise that. It will be on One More Shot, by Calin-Durus and Kirmit (ChocolateBrownEyes).

That's about it for the moment, I'm about to go get to work on the fic pick vid.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Fucking Way!

Oh for fucks sake. I am so pissed off right now, it's not funny. I was just finishing up a video for a fic I abso-fucking-lutely love, and my computer fucking DIED. I'm using the old lappy (which is really only like 2 months older than my new one) to write this post.
I am ready to scream at something. I fucking hate technology. Have I ever mentioned that? I think I might be one of the only 19 year olds out there who fucking hates technology. Seriously. The only reason I use it is for Twilight related shit. Otherwise I would steer well clear of it.

Can I just point out though, that this is the second time in as many weeks that I have managed to crash my computer completely. I'm not talking the half arsed, restart crash. I'm talking the whole fucking System Restore or whatever the fuck I had to do. I had to RE FUCKING INSTALL vista. I lost all my shit that wasn't on USB's. I lost all my software.

And now I have to use this computer rather than my baby for the next 30 minutes while my baby sets up again. Then my baby won't be connected to the net til Mum wakes up and gives me the password for it. I'm not priveledged enough to know that. *sigh*. And you know what tops it the fuck off? It's 430 fucking AM. I was going to go to bed just before this shit happened. But I am stubborn, and refuse to go to bed being fucked over by anything. Especially not fucking technology.

I'm going to watch me an ep of NCIS while this shit sorts itself out.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Little Ashes and Jackson's haircut

Ok, not sure how far behind the times I am here. A couple of things to share. Rob naked in Little Ashes. There's been more than a little hype about that. People have been trying to spot his dick in the trailer (ok, so I might be included in that group, not the point), and the comments on the trailer on youtube are INSANE. Seriously. I'm going to do a video on this I think.

Look, I'll be the first to admit I probably wouldn't have ever heard of this movie if it didn't have Rpatz in it. But I also would never go to see it if it didn't look like a good movie. I hope to god they don't screw it up. I also pray that it isn't ruined by a theatre full of screaming fangirls. *sigh* well, I've made my point known, moving on.

To Jackson Rathbone's new hair cut. Here's a picture for y'all. No copyright infringement intended.

I'm not sure what I think about it yet... I kind of like it, but I'm also a fan of his longer, full head of hair...I'm a bit of a sucker for thick hair.

Gotta love that he will touch screaming fangirls hands. Must go see him live...


Oh, right, my bad. Back to the blog.

He still looks fucking hot with a guitar though...

Ok, so that's all from me for the moment.



Ok, the title of this pretty much says it all. And I should throw in a thank you too. I was added to "Best of the Best - 1000+ Reviews", and overnight my Alerts and Favs for Leave Out All The Rest jumped from 280, to 320, and 212, to 250, respectively. I am stoked. Seriously. I haven't stopped smiling. Oh, well, apart from the point where I ran out of chocolate. Then I got more, and went back to grinning like an idiot.

Oh, and all of you who like to perv on some yummy men should go to The PP's Man Meat Locker, trust me; you won't be disappointed. There's a new pic every monday, and I am especially partial to this monday's one. April showers... mmmhmm... and those of you who haven't yet; go see The Perv Pack's Smut Shack. Again, you won't be disappointed by the extreme amount of pervable material on there.

I have a couple of fic recommendations:

Sewing The Wounds - by the.lamb.loves.the.lion
This is good for all of you out there who like some angst, mixed with a bit of fluff. Not a hell of a lot of citrusy goodness, but I'm not complaining. I love it.

The Mirrors - by adorablecullens
This only has 3 chapters so far, but is showing a lot of promise. Not to mention that it is by the same author who brought us the brilliance that was and is Behind Enemy Lines. The summary that AC graced us with is "Teddy's secret and magical childhood is lost when a family heirloom is destroyed, changing his life forever. Now an adult, can Edward open himself back up to magic and love when he meets a beautiful - and hauntingly familiar - woman in real life?"...
It's even a thousand times better than that already. So go check it out. Tissue warning for chapter 3.

That's all from me for the moment. If you're up for a good read, check those two out.


Monday, April 6, 2009




It is 3:39am, and after a few hours of tossing and turning, I gave up on the prospect of sleep. Instead choosing to indulge in writing the next chapter of Leave Out All The Rest. Thanks goes out to the.lamb.loves.the.lion, for helping me through writers block, and giving me a fuckawesome idea.
So that is up now. And yet sleep refuses to come.

I currently have 2 cats, who hate each other, either side of me. I hope to god the crankier of the two doesn't wake up. People who know what cats are like, would know how scary it is two have to angry cats next to you.

I think one of my cats is pregnant. About time really. I want kittens :p

Ok, I really have to try to sleep now, because I have school in a few hours.


Oh holy shit... MOTHER FUCKER

Oh. Dear. God.
FF.NET IS DOWN!!!!!!!!
*pops antianxiety meds*
Don't they know what this does to thousands upon thousands of readers and writers out there? Don't they know that we can't live without our fanfiction? I mean, come the fuck on!!!! I was reading, all immersed in this fuckawesome fic (Lessons in Forbidden Love, in case you were wondering), and all of the sudden, I hit next, and it's all like 503 something something, no server can handle this request. And was like. You MOTHER FUCKING SHIT BITCH FUCKING WHORE SLUT OF A FUCKING SITE I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!
Instead I turned to my blog, to rant a little.

Ok, now you know that....

I'm going to treat you to a rare insight on just how uncivilised I really am:

Emmy - Jasper+Alice When you're fifteen and someone tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them says:
have returned

Phil - the good are so harsh to the clever, the clever so rude to the good says:
just in time, the barbarians are at the gates

Emmy - Jasper+Alice When you're fifteen and someone tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them says:

Phil - the good are so harsh to the clever, the clever so rude to the good says:
my cousin just sent me an IM but i'm in the mood for more civilised conversation
that includes you (in case you didn't realise)

Emmy - Jasper+Alice When you're fifteen and someone tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them says:
im not fucking civilised
im eating off a plate on my lap drinking fucking coke out of the 2L bottle. Whilst ranting on my blog

So now you see, I am really the least civilised, least girl, mother fucking bitch out there.

Ok, and you know what sucks even more. Algonquinrt can get to individual reviews, and reply, and all that shit. And I fucking can't. Stupid fucking site.

I'm going to go cry into a pillow and indulge in comfort food now.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Random Shit Cos I Can

It's like...5:54pm. But daylight savings just ended, so I am so fucking lost as far as time goes. My body is telling me it's nearly 7, but my mind is telling me it's earlier. As if my body and mind don't match enough as it is, they throw daylight savings in the mix, just to fuck me up. That's right. Daylight savings is a personal attack against me.

My cat is sitting on my windowsill, it's getting cold, and I want to close the window. But my cat is angry. I'm trying to figure out the best way to get her down. Food isn't a great idea, she's already over weight. Picking her up risks my life. She doesn't play with toys, she's like 10, she doesn't have the energy, so she's not going to go for that. Grrr.

I updated Leave Out All the Rest last night, and gave you a half lemon. But there is more important stuff happening at the moment. Sexing isn't at the top of the priorities list for this fic.

Had a good laugh with algonquinrt about some of the worse fics out there. Ones where Bella gets to move into the hospital when Edward is a patient for example.

Woot, cat is down from the windowsill. All we had to go was to get an ambulance to go past, sirens on. Now why didn't I think of that?

I'm going to go get more food. My stomach is growling at me, despite having just had dinner, and an icecream.

I plan to post more about Twilight and what not tonight or tomorrow morning. :D


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sunday 5/04/09

Wowza it's EARLY. I feel accomplished already. I have figured out how to follow the PPSS using this blog profile thingy. How good am I? Ok, so most of you are probably thinking something along the lines of "ah, so what? Big fucking deal." Well, you see, I am not the most tech savy 19 year old out there. In fact, I only recently figured out how to use a webcam. I think my 13 year old brother is better at this sort of stuff than me. However, I am learning.

So far it's 7:10am, and I have been awake for about 3 hours, talking to other insomniacs about Twilight, among other things. But Twilight is a safe topic. It always comes up in conversations, because I'm a little bit obsessed. I write fanfiction for Twilight here, and while it is not even close to the standard of the PPSS, I still enjoy writing it, so check it out if you like a bit of fluff, angst, and humour, all mixed in with a couple of lemons.

I will link you to this, via my fanfiction profile. So if that's where you're coming from, hiya!

There will be some pretty funny shit in here, but I will be putting it as suitable for 18 years and over, cos you know, I'm pretty potty-mouthed and gutter-minded.

Everyone, go check out the Perv Pack Smut Shack, if you like some hardcore Twilight SMUT with a plot. They bring you some of the best out there.

That is all from me for the moment, but I will post again soon.
