Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Little Ashes and Jackson's haircut

Ok, not sure how far behind the times I am here. A couple of things to share. Rob naked in Little Ashes. There's been more than a little hype about that. People have been trying to spot his dick in the trailer (ok, so I might be included in that group, not the point), and the comments on the trailer on youtube are INSANE. Seriously. I'm going to do a video on this I think.

Look, I'll be the first to admit I probably wouldn't have ever heard of this movie if it didn't have Rpatz in it. But I also would never go to see it if it didn't look like a good movie. I hope to god they don't screw it up. I also pray that it isn't ruined by a theatre full of screaming fangirls. *sigh* well, I've made my point known, moving on.

To Jackson Rathbone's new hair cut. Here's a picture for y'all. No copyright infringement intended.

I'm not sure what I think about it yet... I kind of like it, but I'm also a fan of his longer, full head of hair...I'm a bit of a sucker for thick hair.

Gotta love that he will touch screaming fangirls hands. Must go see him live...


Oh, right, my bad. Back to the blog.

He still looks fucking hot with a guitar though...

Ok, so that's all from me for the moment.


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