Sunday, April 19, 2009


Hi everyone. I'm BAACCKK!!! That's right. My internet is working again. For those of you who don't know, I have been experiencing internet issues for the past week. Telstra finally fixed it today, and I woke up to the phone ringing. It took me a moment to put two and two together to make four.
Because our internet and phone are both through Telstra, and on the same line, we were without a phone line too. Telstra could've been in shit for this, as my brother is diabetic, and there are times when it is inevitable that he has to be home alone. He knows how to dial 000, but how is he to do that without a phone connection? That's my bitching done, onto Twilight and fanfiction.

I have threads over on Twilighted for Self Medicating and Leave Out All The Rest. To add to that, Self Medicating got accepted onto Twilighted. I can't even begin to explain just how ecstatic that made me.

I WILL be doing fic pick of the week. I pinkie promise that. It will be on One More Shot, by Calin-Durus and Kirmit (ChocolateBrownEyes).

That's about it for the moment, I'm about to go get to work on the fic pick vid.


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