Monday, April 6, 2009




It is 3:39am, and after a few hours of tossing and turning, I gave up on the prospect of sleep. Instead choosing to indulge in writing the next chapter of Leave Out All The Rest. Thanks goes out to the.lamb.loves.the.lion, for helping me through writers block, and giving me a fuckawesome idea.
So that is up now. And yet sleep refuses to come.

I currently have 2 cats, who hate each other, either side of me. I hope to god the crankier of the two doesn't wake up. People who know what cats are like, would know how scary it is two have to angry cats next to you.

I think one of my cats is pregnant. About time really. I want kittens :p

Ok, I really have to try to sleep now, because I have school in a few hours.


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